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Bifidobacterium Longum

Bifidobacterium longum probiotic for the gut microbiota

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Bifidobacterium longum is a probiotic concentrate.
  • Restores balance to intestinal microflora.
  • Contributes to a healthy gastrointestinal system and resistance to infection.
  • Regulates intestinal transit in people with constipation.
  • Delivered in the form of DR caps™ capsules (available temporarily in the form of vegetarian capsules).

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60 DR Caps™

27.00 €


60 DR Caps™

27.00 €

24.84 €

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Bifidobacterium Longum

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Bifidobacterium longum is a probiotic supplement intended to regenerate the intestinal flora, now available to buy at Supersmart.

What is Bifidobacterium longum?

Bifidobacterium was isolated for the first time in 1899 from a healthy, breast-fed new-born baby. It was subsequently accepted as an independent genus of bacteria the main characteristic of which is to produce lactic acid and acetic acid as the principal products of glucose fermentation.

Isolated in 1977, the human bifidobacteria strain Bifidobacterium longum BB536, is the most widely studied in terms of health benefits. Over 40 articles have been published in scientific journals, highlighting in particular, its role in improving the intestinal environment, helping to maintain a healthy immune system, fight infection, and promoting bone strength.

What are the benefits associated with Bifidobacterium longum?

Intestinal microflora comprises over 100 species of beneficial, neutral or harmful bacteria - all in constant conflict with each other. Their number and balance can be upset by a wide variety of causes such as antibiotics or other drugs, stress, ageing or alcohol consumption, in which case the health of the intestine and even the individual in general, can be affected. Probiotics such as bifidobacteria help to restore balance to intestinal microflora. In particular, scientific research has shown that Bifidobacterium longum BB536:

  • Improves intestinal microflora in older people (levels of bifidobacteria decline with age) which, in turn, improves the intestinal environment and contributes to a healthy gastrointestinal system and its resistance to infection.
  • Its administration results in a significant increase in the proportion of Bifidobacteria in intestinal flora and a simultaneous reduction in products of putrefaction such as ammonia.
  • In low-weight premature babies, it stimulates bifidobacteria colonisation and the formation of bifidobacteria microflora, thus reducing intestinal infections.
  • Leads to increased production of total IgAs and promotes resistance to infection by Escherichia-coli.
  • Has an immunostimulant effect (it encourages the production of specific and non-specific antibodies) as well as an anti-infective effect (the powerful bactericide action of the acetic acid produced by bifidobacteria destroys harmful bacteria such as Escherichia-coli).
  • Prevents diarrhoea caused by taking antibiotics;
  • Regulates intestinal transit in people with constipation: it improves the intestinal environment by, in particular, reducing the ammonia content of stools and the activity of certain faecal enzymes, and increases the frequency of stools.
  • Stimulates the immune system in older people with reduced immunity by activating their neutrophils and NK cells. It thus lowers risk of infection, particularly by the flu virus.
  • Significantly reduces symptoms of allergy to Japanese cedar pollen. It appears to work by combating the changes sustained by faecal flora over the course of the pollen season.
  • Boosts bone strength, probably by improving calcium absorption.

Buy Bifidobacterium longum supplement to enjoy the many benefits of the strain Bifidobacterium longum BB536, formulated in DR Caps for optimal absorption and bioavailability. Each capsule provides almost 2 billion microorganisms, with the recommended dose of three capsules a day delivering an exceptional 6 billion microorganisms. This dose can be adapted according to your needs and the advice of your therapist. These probiotics should be refrigerated in order to preserve their quality. Their efficacy can be enhanced by also taking prebiotics such as fructo-oligosaccharides which promote probiotic growth.

What is in Bifidobacterium Longum

Bifidobacterium longum


This product is rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
There are 16 reviews






Excellent 16 Reviews

june 18 2024

Je consomme ce complément alimentaire d'exception depuis des années, et je suis ravi par sa qualité ainsi que par son efficacité ! Je le recommande donc vivement !

I have been consuming this exceptional dietary supplement for years, and I am delighted with its quality and effectiveness! I highly recommend it!

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april 9 2024

Un produit de qualité, que j'utilise quotidiennement depuis des années, et qui me ravit à 100% ! Je le recommande sans réserve !

A quality product that I have been using daily for years, and it delights me 100%! I recommend it without reservation!

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march 2 2024

Je l'utilise régulièrement et depuis longtemps avec la plus grande satisfaction !

I use it regularly and have been for a long time with the greatest satisfaction!

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december 22 2023

Très bon probiotique. Efficace contre la perméabilité intestinale et pour la régulation du transit.

Very good probiotic. Effective against intestinal permeability and for regulating transit.

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december 17 2023

Je recommande vivement ce produit que j'utilise régulièrement depuis plusieurs années. Son efficacité est totale et j'en suis ravi !

I highly recommend this product that I have been using regularly for several years. Its effectiveness is complete and I am delighted with it!

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