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Banaba supplement to help regulate blood sugar levels

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Extract of Banaba which supports blood sugar control
  • Helps to control weight and blood glucose levels (glycaemia).
  • Supports glucose metabolism.
  • Standardised to 18% corosolic acid for optimal efficacy.
  • Made from the plant species Lagestroemia speciosa L.

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Glucofit™ is a banaba supplement extracted naturally from the leaves of Lagestroemia speciosa. This renowned Asian plant helps to regulate glycaemia and maintain a healthy weight. Its content of corosolic acid, the plant’s main active ingredient, is standardised to 18% for maximum efficacy.

Why is it so important to lower glycaemia?

Blood sugar control is a key indication of good health. To understand why, we need to take a moment to look at carbohydrate metabolism.

During digestion, carbohydrates are broken down by digestive enzymes into simple, directly-absorbed sugars called monosaccharides, the chief one being glucose. Glucose moves directly into capillaries in the intestinal villi and then travels to the liver via the hepatic portal vein, producing an increase in glycaemia. At this point, the glucose can either:

  • remain in the blood to maintain normal glycaemia;
  • be used directly by the liver for its metabolic activity;
  • reach the body’s cells to serve as instant fuel;
  • be stored in the liver and/or skeletal muscle as glycogen, a form of energy storage.

The last two options are governed by insulin, a hormone secreted by the pancreas: its fundamental role is to lower blood sugar levels by, in particular, promoting the absorption of glucose by cells.

If glycaemia is too high, however, these ‘buffer’ mechanisms become saturated. The insulin then converts the excess glucose into fat deposits which will be stored in adipose tissue, potentially leading to weight gain.

What’s more, in overweight individuals, cell receptors tend to become indifferent to insulin, preventing the uptake of glucose, so creating a vicious circle: this is referred to as insulin resistance. (1) It’s the starting point for various metabolic disorders, precipitating the onset of cardiovascular problems in particular.

It should also be noted that the reaction that takes place between glucose and proteins (glycation) has the effect of accelerating cellular ageing (2).

Banaba leaves, Asia’s ‘green insulin’

Indigenous to tropical Asia, banaba (Lagestroemia speciosa) is part of the Lythraceae family. Populating the forests of the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Taiwan, it bears magnificent flowers ranging in colour from bright pink to purple, making it a very popular ornamental tree.

However, it’s the banaba leaves which are of particular interest to the scientific community. Having featured for centuries in the traditional south-east Asian pharmacopoeia, they have gone on to be used in the form of an extract or a tea for overweight people or those with blood sugar problems (3). As a result, they are now referred to as ‘green insulin’ by those working in the field of nutraceuticals.

Banaba’s effects on blood sugar levels have made it the subject of several ongoing studies which are focusing on the role played by its corosolic acid.

What health benefits are offered by the banaba supplement Glucofit™?

Glucofit™ offers two major benefits:

  • Normalisation of blood sugar levels. A clinical study involving 100 subjects with type 2 pre-diabetes or diabetes looked at the effects of one month’s daily supplementation with a banaba extract standardised to 18% corosolic acid. The researchers observed a 10% reduction in fasting and post-prandial blood sugar levels. Similar results were seen in genetically diabetic mice (3-5).
  • Aid to weight loss. In a comparative clinical study the preliminary results of which have just been published, subjects supplemented with the new Glucofit™ for 60 days lost more than 4.5kg including 70% in fat mass, while those given the old GlucosolTM ‘only’ lost 3kg. These results appear to confirm the dose-dependent efficacy of corosolic acid for controlling weight (5).

What is in Glucofit™

Banaba extract
Rice bran oil
Carob extract

Any questions?

What exactly is the corosolic acid in Glucofit™?

With the molecular formula C30H48O4, corosolic acid is a pentacyclic triterpene with the scientific name 2-alpha-hydroxyursolic acid. It fulfils the role of transporting glucose across cell membranes, and has thus been widely popularised in the scientific literature as ‘phyto-insulin’ or ‘botanical insulin’.

Isolated in several plants such as cranberry and Japanese loquat, corosolic acid is predominantly known for being the most active compound in banaba leaf. Studies also suggest that its ellagitannins may act in the same way as, or synergistically with, corosolic acid (4).

It’s on the strength of these various factors that the supplement Glucofit™ features a banaba extract standardised to 18% corosolic acid for enhanced effects.

What are additional measures to lower blood sugar naturally?

As well as supplementing with banaba, the following tips will also help you to reduce your blood glucose levels naturally:

  • take regular exercise. During physical activity, muscles use more glucose in order to meet the increased energy needs. In addition, a sedentary lifestyle promotes insulin resistance by reducing type 1 slow muscle fibres, which are particularly glucose-hungry. Mobilizing these specific tissues through endurance exercise is therefore particularly recommended (6) ;
  • choose foods with a low glycaemic index (GI). Consuming high GI foods (sweets, refined cereals, puffed rice …) causes a sudden rise in glycaemia and a significant release of insulin. Instead eat whole fruits, vegetables, whole starches and pulses, which will also ensure a good fibre intake. And keep your portions moderate. (7) ;
  • relax. In primitive times, stress alerted the body to imminent danger and triggered the ‘fight or flight’ response by increasing the energy resources available. In a stressful situation, the antagonist of insulin, glucagon, causes glucose to be released into the bloodstream through the conversion of glycogen. The result is a rise in blood sugar levels. To maintain normal glycaemia, try meditation, yoga or relaxation exercises (8-9).
How should the banaba supplement Glucofit™ be taken?

The recommended dose is one softgel of GlucofitTM every 12 or 24 hours, according to your therapist’s advice.

What are other supplements that might interest you?"

You may also be interested in other supplements related to glucose metabolism and appetite control:

  • Berberine, a barberry supplement, promotesglucose metabolism as well as good cardiovascular health (10) ;
  • the supplement Organic Moringa, containing a leaf extract of this age-old Ayurvedic plant, helps to break down glucose and maintain normal blood sugar levels (11) ;
  • CSAT®, a natural carob extract, promotes a feeling of satiety and can thus help you achieve your weight loss goals (12).


This product is rated 4.2 out of 5 stars
There are 25 reviews






Excellent 25 Reviews
Suzanne Bono

april 24 2024

Très bon produit... Mais très mauvaise présentation, illisible.... Il faut offrir une loupe à vos clients âgés, ça leur serait nécessaire pour pouvoir lire le nom du produit et ne pas se tromper avec un autre ...!!! Mais qui a fait ça ?????

Very good product... But very poor presentation, illegible... You should offer a magnifying glass to your elderly customers, it would be necessary for them to be able to read the product name and not confuse it with another...!!! But who did this ?????

see the translation Translated by SuperSmart - see the original

Yolande Sen - Avis Favorable Et Satisfaisant

april 8 2024

conforme aux attentes

meets expectations

see the translation Translated by SuperSmart - see the original


march 31 2024

une efficacité absolument remarquable, les analyses confirment;

an absolutely remarkable effectiveness, the tests confirm it

see the translation Translated by SuperSmart - see the original


december 18 2023

Dans mon cas, semble réellement stabiliser la glycémie en complément médecine allopathique. Comparaison difficile à établir avec la concurrence, le dosage semblant plutôt léger. Les remises rendent le produit abordable pour un suivi au long cours. Présence de Titane !!!

In my case, it seems to really stabilize blood sugar levels as a complement to allopathic medicine. Difficult to compare with competitors, as the dosage seems rather light. The discounts make the product affordable for long-term use. Presence of Titanium!!!

see the translation Translated by SuperSmart - see the original


november 2 2023

d'une très grande et très rapide efficacité, plus besoin du tout de médicaments chimiques ;

of very great and very rapid effectiveness, no need for chemical medications at all anymore;

see the translation Translated by SuperSmart - see the original

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